Tuesday 11 June 2013

So why am I here?

So this is my blog.

Why a blog? Well it seems to be something that a lot of runners have…

I have been thinking about doing this for a while. I like the idea of having a random little place to come and share my ideas, my meanderings.

I also think somehow I will be more accountable to my training and running if I have someplace to come and share my success and my failure (hopefully more of the first than the latter).

How did I get here? In the later part of last year I looked in the mirror and was sad to see what I had become. My weight was the highest it has ever been. I was happy in most parts of my life but my looks and the way my body worked just slowed me down, made me sad and eventually depressed.

So I put on some old joggers and went for a walk.

Weight started to come off and then one day in December I felt like it wasn’t a challenge anymore. I couldn’t afford to keep making my walks longer – that took too long and I didn’t have the time.

So I started to jog.

I would be stunned if it was more than 100 meters before I was dying to stop. I walked again and got my breath back and tried again. I still don’t really know why or how but each day for the next few months I just got out there and did the same thing.

The weight started to come off and I entered a 5k in March – it ended up being a plus 30 day and the pictures are not pretty but I was so proud. Since then I have done a 7k and am gearing up to do a 10k on the weekend.

My goal started out simple, I wanted to be lighter.

But on the way I’ve discovered this crazy love of something I’ve hated doing all my life. I’ll talk more about my relationship with running soon but for now welcome and thanks for coming out on the road with me.